But you have to know how to listen. I'll show you who I am, but only
if you know how to read between the lines. You have to know how to read
the signs. Most importantly, you must understand text.
This is a writer's blog, but I do not publish my work
here. I post fragments, pieces, ideas; works in progress tend to appear
here. I work through problems here. This blog becomes a part of my
process as I test out ideas for strings of words that may or may not
become more fully realized.
My poems that appear here have usually been submitted for publication elsewhere. My "Dedication Poems" are part of a larger chapbook.
I will rarely post a linear story or event. That's just not my style. I
am not a journalist and even my critical essays more closely resemble
poetry than journalism. I sense, feel, and perceive rather than
"report" but I think that most successful blogs do just the opposite.
They tell you rather than show you. They are quite often very logical
and rational assessments of some topic.
You will find none of that here.
Nor will you find the dirty little secrets of a diarist. This is
not my "journal" and I will not scribble onto hyperspace my innermost thoughts and feelings. This is not my confessional, you are not my priest.
There are stories here. But you must understand that identifying
them won't be easy. It's not going to work that way. This is my textual
world, these words are my playthings, and I will do with them as I
Do I alienate my reader? Perhaps. But I don't write for you. At
least not here. Here I am free to write what I want without having to
worry what editors and readers might think.
In this space, I write primarily for myself. Caveat emptor.
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