Tuesday, July 21, 2015


I'd wasted days trying to reconcile the seeming contradiction. Endlessly sifting through the hours to separate the false from the true. Then today, a ridiculously quotidian moment, combing my hair after a shower, I caught a glimpse of my reversed image in the steam-fogged mirror, a strange, sad face staring back at me through my eyes. I realized the seeming contradiction was my own invention. Both things were simultaneously true. I'd misunderstood. Its easy to imagine youve misheard. I'd wanted to believe. You knew that. I'd wanted to believe that one statement was true and the other a lie. That would make it easier: if one statement is true then I can hate you. Truly hate you. Never think of you again. Obliterate all trace of you from my mind. If the other is true, then you will return to me. If both are true. None of these things will happen.

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