Friday, September 7, 2012


Today I decided to procrastinate by writing a Sestina using this tool.

Try it. It's fun!

Here's mine:

A Mantis in the Looking Glass

Foolish girl thought she owned words
perforce to create a world.
Beyond her vision always a veil
muffling the sound. White noise rebounding
absent language, yet echoing
in her ear “A Universe Profound.”

A tyrant dreams “A Universe Profound”
his Knowledge, a colony of Words.
Recoiling Billowing Echoing!
Yet, even without language, a world
vast, silent, and concrete. Rebounding
against her vision, against the veil.

A small green body; a veil.
Leaf green eyes, wings, glittering, profound.
Triangular head, silently swiveling, rebounding,
hunting without words.
This tree its entire world.
Clasping prey in tiny arms, silently echoing

its small image of a world. Echoing
behind my vision, this futile veil.
Mystifying and demystifying a world
even without language, profound
even without words
cycling death and life. Rebounding

against articulation, this vision in words
builds an incomplete world
silently lying behind the veil.
Their lives are rebounding.
Their silence echoing.
Their materiality still profound.

How sacred is this world
if it is not rebounding?
What limits the profound
silence rendered meaningless? Echoing
tyrannical world
only human words

construct meaningless echoing.
Rebounding words become the veil,
a world less profound, meaning lost, words.

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